"Master Dayton" might be humorous, (I mean if Ph.Ds are called "Doctors," shouldn't MFAs be called "Masters?") but in all seriousness I have made a living freelance writing and after several years I have tons of information I want to share to help out my fellow writers, regardless of age, experience, goals, situation, or background. This blog isn't pretty-but it will help if real freelance writing information is what you want.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where Is Master Dayton, Freelance Writer?

The Freelance Blogger Returns

As some of you have noticed, and been kind enough to e-mail me about, I haven't been around "Master Dayton" in a while. In way too long, in fact. One post in March and none until mid April is way too long an absence, and I completely apologize for that fact. Freelance writing is not easy, and part of what can make things even rougher is that when things going chaotic and bad in the personal life, you still need the discipline to work and keep the income coming in even when money is the absolute last thing on your mind.

This has been a very rough several weeks for me, and as to the kind questions about if I'm doing all right, the answer is "not really." But I'm hanging in there best I can, trying to deal with things best I can, and while there were a large number of things on my plate, the personal meant some things had to be put to the side, and link building, online marketing, and all my blogs were on that list, unfortunately.

This freelance writing blog is my favorite of all of my blogs, and one that I really enjoy since I get so much interaction with my readers and because I really like sharing the knowledge I have and hope that more and more people are helped out by it.

So the short answer to another question that has come up a few times recently: No. This is not a dead blog. I intend to get back to regular blogging soon, and am actually excited about the prospect of having some guest bloggers in the short term future for both the freelance writers and the creative writers. There will be more website reviews, more freelance writing advice, and a lot more in the future.

So thanks for the kind words and understanding, and you'll see me back around here in the weeks ahead, hopefully with some good friends who can make this blog better than ever! Until then, keep on freelance writing and build the dream.


  1. Hi Shane,

    I hope that you are feeling better. I came across your squidoo page and was impressed by your writing ability. Keep up the good work and feel as positive as you can, your thoughts and feelings will make things improve :)


  2. Funny enough, I came across your blog when I was searching for free lance writing stuff and then the titles of your postings draw me in.
    I guess I will be a regular from now on if thats OK with you. I'll be quite reading and not bothering you much. It encouraged me to find stories like yours, that resembles my own condition. Plese, keep up the good work Master.

  3. That's fine. There will be much more consistent blog posts now. The past few weeks had some serious health and personal issues, but I'm back, life is starting to look a little brighter, and I have the time that I need to come back to the blog. I hope you find these other freelance writing posts useful and thank you both for the very kind words.
